Belated Thanksgiving, Early Birthday

I meant for a while to put up a picture or two from Thanksgiving. I got to be the hostess this year, a role I was pleased to play and hope to reprise next year.

The Table
The Table

The Plate
The Plate

My birthday is this week, but because of events at work I decided to have a small birthday celebration over the past weekend. Not only did the day turn out to be fun for me, but my mom, brother, and John also had a great time. While Aaron and John drank beer and ate pretzels and garlic fries, my mom and I experienced the joys of Candide at the Shakespeare Theater. I was familiar with Bernstein’s score, but seeing everything come together in a stellar production made me so happy. Really. This was an awesome show.

Afterwards we headed to a restaurant that keeps appearing on all the “best of” lists: Proof. Although we could barely read the menus in the dim, but perhaps romantic lighting (our attentive server lent us little flashlights with magnifying glasses), the food, once we discerned the menu and decided what to get from the overwhelming number of appetizing choices, was magnificent. Also, I really liked the design and color scheme of the bathroom–the wall paper in particular. Aren’t you curious, now? GO! Go check out the bathroom at Proof and make sure to have some pumpkin gnocchi for me.

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